Beet Root Juice
The red-violet pigments in beets are not only beautiful, they’re a unique and highly valuable form of antioxidants called betacyanins. These pigments are widely studied for their ability to promote optimal health by supporting healthy detoxification and immune health. Beets also contain a 100% natural form of betaine, a key body nutrient, along with potassium, vitamin C, iron, and other vitamins and minerals. A recent study in the Journal of Applied Physiology revealed that beet juice consumption supported healthy stamina levels and exercise tolerance. So next time you go to jump on that treadmill, or go for a hike, bike ride, or walk, consider a beet juice pick-me-up to enhance your workout or activity. Already a seasoned athlete? Beet juice may just kick up your training and performance a notch.
Our certified organic beets are grown using traditional natural European farming methods in Germany. The fresh beets are washed in purified water, juiced, and dried in a low-temperature vacuum chamber. Applying consistent low temperatures and vacuum processing throughout each and every processing step is crucial to preserving the bioactive ingredients and sweet, delicious flavor. Our organic beet juice powder just can't be beet!