Welcome to The Synergy Company!
The roots of The Synergy Company go back 50+ years — when I was in a near‐fatal car accident and told by all medical experts that I would never walk on my own again and would have many serious, lifelong health problems. This very challenging situation led me on quite a deep and transformational healing journey to wholeness made possible with the support of some incredibly gifted healers. They provided me with the inspiration, support, and knowledge to fully heal and to ultimately create The Synergy Company to help others. Every product we create is my wholehearted attempt to bring the gifts of health I received full circle — to help nourish and support you to reach your incredible potential of health and well‐being on your path to wholeness.
Our ultimate goal has always been to help people feel better and be happier. There are far too many people who are lacking in health and happiness, and who don’t experience the life energy they need. The good news is there’s something we can do to help! Every one of us deserves to have foundational life vitality so that we can fulfill our true potential and not feel so bound by certain limitations. If we can contribute to someone’s life, they can, in turn, contribute yet to someone else’s life, and so on and so forth. It’s this incredible ripple that just keeps expanding. This is what inspires us to do what we do at The Synergy Company.
It has become my daily practice to listen to what it is that people truly need — what might help them be healthier, stronger, and happier. There’s hardly a day I don’t wake up thinking about what might help people. Where I see the needs for healing and the potential for wholeness — that is where my attention and efforts go, allowing the vision to come into focus. Then, backed by our incredibly committed team here at Synergy, by our dedicated research and development program, and by our award‐winning facilities, we are able to fulfill this vision and create each of our innovative, health‐supporting supplements.
The special ingredients that we develop are the essential building blocks of each and every product that we make, right here at Synergy. They reflect our absolute commitment to you and our steadfast principles of purity, authenticity, sustainability, and caring. The way we do things is always 100% in keeping with what builds life, not what hurts life. Hand in hand with the deep responsibility we feel to create pure, effective, and ‘for real’ products, we want everything we do and touch to be in complete harmony with our mission.
To all of our existing customers, it is an ongoing honor and privilege to serve you and we thank you for helping us to grow and flourish. For those of you who are new to Synergy, we look forward to serving you, exceeding your expectations, and providing you with products that truly support you and your health and wellness goals — for, as we all know, our health is one of our most precious assets.
Wishing you the best of health,

Mitchell May

Get to Know Mitchell
In 1972, a near-fatal car accident catapulted a young Mitchell May onto a profound healing journey during which he learned about the phenomenal power of whole foods, botanicals, and the healing force within us all. The priceless knowledge he gained from working with herbalists, healers, and doctors from around the world would go on to inspire his creations and the birth of The Synergy Company. Today, Mitchell still has a very active role overseeing the company and masterminds each and every one of our innovative formulas.
Mitchell’s unique supplements reflect his vision of synergy: “A state of being in which the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts because an optimum balance and harmony of those parts has been achieved.” The experiential benefits of his healing story and work continue for people day in and day out — tens of thousands of people all around the world are being helped and supported by his life-affirming products.
Want to know more about Mitchell’s story?
Listen to this popular interview with Mitchell May on the National Public Radio program New Dimensions.