10 Natural Pregnancy Tips
To say your body goes through changes during pregnancy is a gross understatement. Raging hormones, morning sickness, swelling, increased blood volume, skin pigmentation changes, fatigue, the list of dramatic transformations feels unending. It gets to the point that you barely recognize your own body which can be stressful and exhausting. Here are some natural, healthy tips to make it through the nine months in order to more fully focus on the many joys that come with the miracle of life that is happening inside you.
Rest & Recharge
Even if you have another kiddo or two running around, or especially if you don’t, REST. Take naps whenever possible, even if they are just catnaps. You are growing a human, your body needs time to recharge.
Stretch Your Body
Keep your body limber. This can help provide relief from occasional muscle stiffness and discomfort. Yoga is a great way to incorporate both stretching and strengthening exercises. Sit on a yoga ball if you work at a computer.
Walk In Nature
Walk everyday…rain or shine. The combo of getting your heart pumping and being outside is a winner. On sunny days, the dose of vitamin D from the sun is an extra boost.
Daily Multi
Keep it simple. Choose a healthy prenatal multivitamin, preferably whole-food based with natural folate and supportive herbs. PureNatal® is a great option and has vitamins and minerals made with organic vegetables and fruits, plus a blend of organic sprouts, berries, ginger, and red raspberry leaf for extra support. You may also consider extra plant-based calcium and magnesium, such as Bone Renewal®, taken at night to bolster your mineral needs and help with sleep.
Go Whole
Opt for organic whenever possible to minimize exposure to unneeded chemicals. Eat a whole-foods diet based on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, pastured eggs, healthy organic or grass-fed meats, and omega-rich salmon and seafood.
Focus on getting enough choline in your daily diet. This is important for developing the brain health of your baby. Eggs are an excellent source of choline, select pastured eggs if possible. If eggs are on your no-no list, you may consider a choline supplement or lecithin.
Omega Up
Eat 2-3 servings of Omega-3 rich fish per week like wild salmon to get the much-need DHA (or take a fish oil supplement). If fish is not your preference, consider an algae-based DHA supplement.
Check Iron
Your doctor should be testing you regularly for low iron and anemia. Natural dietary ways to increase iron include things such as cooking in cast-iron skillets, blackstrap molasses, and grass-fed beef stews. Supplement as needed and watch for nausea & constipation.
Nausea No More
Morning sickness is a drag. Try ginger teas or supplements, such as SuperPure® Ginger, B vitamins, like Super B-Complex™, magnesium, frequent protein snacks, or acupuncture to help stave off the swells of nausea.
Take care of yourself. Do things that bring you peace and happiness. Read a book, get a massage, take long baths. Whatever gives you that peaceful ‘ah’ feeling.