Beet Juice Benefits for Exercise

Of all the veggies out there, beets don’t get much glory. And of all the juices out there, beets aren’t exactly among the first we think of when we crave a cold glass.

But it turns out that the list of beet juice benefits is pretty impressive. Beets have been studied for their benefits to heart and brain health, their potential to lower inflammation, and most commonly, their ability to boost exercise performance and stamina.

Not sure you’re ready to sip a glass before your next sweat session? Read on!

Meet the Beet

The beet is considered a root vegetable, meaning they grow underground, and the root of the plant is eaten. Beets (aka beetroot outside the US) are a favorite food for many who love the earthy taste and unique texture of this nutrient-packed vegetable.

Beets are packed with antioxidants, including vitamin C, carotenoids, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. Suitably named betaine and betanin are among these free-radical fighting phytonutrients. Beets also contain folate and potassium, as well as the compound nitrate.

Beets Bring the Heat

Beets boast plenty of benefits, but it’s the nitrates in beets that can help bring a boost to your workout. Here’s how that works:

  1. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in the body.
  2. Nitric oxide is a signaling molecule that promotes vasodilation, meaning blood vessels relax so more oxygen and nutrients can be delivered efficiently.
  3. More oxygen and nutrients mean your heart and muscles have what they need to perform at their best – and enhance stamina to crush your workout.

Eat Some Beets

The effects of beet juice on exercise performance have been well documented in research, so if you’re ready to give it a try, here’s what you should know:

What is the best time to drink beet juice?

Research suggests that beet juice is most effective for exercise performance when consumed two to three hours before exercise.

How much beet juice should I drink before workout?

Most studies suggest 300 to 500 milligrams of nitrate from beets as an effective daily amount to help optimize your exercise capacity. This translates to about 1-2 cups of beet juice. If it’s your first time trying beet juice, start on the low end of the range and observe its effects, then work up to 2 cups from there. If you have any health conditions or are taking medication, be sure to check with your doctor before pouring your daily glass.

Do whole beets work too?

Yes, whole beets still contain nitrates that provide the same benefits as beet juice. Just note that whole beets are less concentrated than beet juice, so more would have to be consumed to get the effective amounts recommended by research. In addition, the added fiber in whole beets is certainly beneficial to your body, but too much fiber before a workout can cause GI discomfort.

Are there any side effects?

In otherwise healthy individuals, beets don’t tend to have any adverse reactions – they’re a whole food after all! However, be aware that the natural red color of beet juice may temporarily add a red tinge to your urine and stools. But it’s completely harmless, so don’t be alarmed!

Pick up the Beet

For these reasons and more, beets are a great alternative to many popular pre-workout products full of sugar or synthetic chemicals. Primarily available as dried beet juice, beet powders offer a convenient and concentrated way to enjoy their benefits.

Our Organic Beet Juice Powder isn’t just a great way to enhance your daily exercise, it’s superior in quality because it’s:

  • Juiced and dried at optimal low temperatures for maximum potency
  • Sweet, smooth powder that’s easy to mix in juice, water, smoothies and more
  • Certified organic, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, and Kosher

Beet juice can be consumed on its own, just like any other juice, but our Organic Beet Juice Powder is naturally sweet and can be mixed into any liquid. For milder flavor, try adding it to smoothies or drinking it with a squeeze of another juice like orange, lemon, or lime.

If you’re really ready to turn up the beet, check out our Pre-Workout Energizer recipe for the ultimate clean boost to your workout!

3 Years ago