Most of us are aware that good quality sleep is essential for our overall well-being and inadequate sleep is associated with many health problems. However, an astonishing one third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Research shows that not getting enough sleep increases the risk of common metabolic and cardiovascular health conditions. Sleep deprivation can also have a negative influence on our mood, cognition, and overall sense of well-being. For those that have occasional or chronic sleep disruptions, some culprits can be found hiding in their diet. Here are some tips to help ensure we get our much-needed zs.


Consuming caffeine late in the day can seriously disrupt sleep, not only because it’s a stimulant, but also since it can affect your stress response and disrupt melatonin and cortisol production.

We all know that coffee late in the day is a no-no, but we’re not always aware of the many foods and beverages where caffeine might be lurking. Sodas, flavored water, protein bars and even chocolate can pack a jittery punch.

If you find yourself dozing in the afternoon and want a healthy pick-me-up, Organic Matcha Power® is a great coffee alternative. It provides a balanced, natural energy lift for 4+ hours and gently sustains your concentration and productivity while simultaneously supporting your overall health and well-being.

Matcha does contain some caffeine, though, so if you want to totally ban caffeine from your diet, a great caffeine-free energy booster is Organic Blue-Green Algae. Blue-Green Algae, one of the planet’s most complete, chlorophyll-rich superfoods, enhances mental clarity and focus while boosting energy and stamina.


In our fast-paced world, many people aren’t eating enough raw, plant-based foods and are therefore deficient in electrolytes - specifically magnesium, potassium and calcium. This can lead to feeling “wired but tired,” restlessness, and even leg cramps that can keep you awake.

The humble banana is packed with potassium and magnesium - critical minerals for promoting relaxation and calm in our muscles and our brain. Other good sources of potassium are white beans, avocados, and sweet potatoes. Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, legumes, and nuts are rich in magnesium and calcium.

An easy way to ensure you’re getting enough daily minerals is by taking Bone Renewal®, a comprehensive supplement with bioavailable plant-based minerals.


Eating too many carbs or sugars during the day can set you up for a blood sugar roller-coaster. When blood sugar spikes, insulin goes up in response, then blood sugar drops in response to too much insulin and on and on it goes causing you to feel jittery at night or to wake up in the wee hours.

Reducing our carb intake can be challenging, though, especially for breakfast – when cereals, pancakes and toast reign supreme. A smoothie is a great carb alternative to start your day. You can pack it with nut butter and milk for protein, flax or chia seeds, fruits and vegetables.

A convenient way to add a nutritional power-punch to your smoothie is with Pure Synergy® Superfoods Powders. They add vibrant color, flavor and nutrient-dense power to your most important meal of the day. Or add Pure Synergy® Superfood, with its 60+ nutrient-rich, whole-food and botanical concentrates,to supercharge your body and mind.

5 Years ago