If your body could talk to you, what would it say?


Get more sleep, probably. Maybe drink more water. And definitely provide it with more organic vitamins and minerals. Our bodies are naturally designed to thrive on whole foods, free from artificial additives and chemicals.


At Pure Synergy®, our supplements are sourced from organically grown nutrients — that is, organic vitamins and minerals grown as part of a whole food, not manufactured or designed in a lab. Plus, they’re grown in accordance with the certified protocols of organic food so when you take our organic vitamins, you can be sure that you are feeding your body completely pure nutrients, not harsh chemicals.


Why should you consider taking organic vitamins? The value of these natural supplements is revealed in the great care we take to grow our sources. The process of growing these nutrients isn’t easy — it takes commitment and devotion to the goal of providing the best organic vitamins out there.

How We Grow Our Organic Vitamins and Minerals

We consider our process of growing foods for our organic vitamins to be similar to making a very fine cheese or wine. It's a finely honed craft that combines an old-world, artisan ethos with the best of modern food science. For us, it's the only way to truly honor the incredible richness and vitality of living nutrients.


Let’s take a look at the basic process, and then we’ll dive deeper into each step:

  • Growing the Nutrients: With certified organic vegetables, fruits, sprouts, grasses, and much more, we create an intensely nutritious broth ideally suited for growing each one of our unique vitamins and minerals. Once the broth is just right, we add by hand certified organic Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an amazing ancient yeast capable of bio-transforming all of the nutrients into one of the most dynamic, nourishing foods ever created.
  • Peak Harvesting: Once the yeast has used its natural intelligence to transform and absorb the optimal amount of each nutrient, we add to the matrix two very special natural fruit enzymes exclusively from green papayas and pineapples. This helps to both further transform the nutrients and gently stop the growing process, allowing us to harvest the perfectly balanced nutrient matrix.
  • Probiotic Culturing: Lastly, we culture the nutrient matrix with organically compatible probiotics so that your body can more easily absorb and digest all the abundant health-supporting elements of our certified organic vitamins and minerals.


As each plant in a garden grows, it draws up a comprehensive array of micronutrients from the soil into its roots, stems, and leaves. With the assistance of water, air, and sunlight, a tiny seedling is transformed into a beautiful, complex plant made up of all the essential proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, and phytonutrients all capable of supporting the web of life.


In order to grow our organic nutrients, we essentially replicate a garden’s natural growth environment through a set of advanced processes akin to the art of cultured fermentation utilized with foods like miso, yogurt, sourdough, cheese, and more. We begin by collecting and combining the purest, most potent ingredients including our pure USP vitamins and minerals and an abundant array of certified organic fruits, vegetables, sprouts, grasses, essential fats, carbohydrates, and proteins all ideally suited to grow each individual vitamin and mineral. Over time and under precisely monitored conditions, a rich, nutritious broth is formed, like a lush, fertile growing soil.


Once the broth is perfectly brewed, we carefully add our special ingredient: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an amazing, ancient yeast that has been cared for and handed down in European culture for multiple generations, and is exclusive to Pure Synergy’s organic process. This amazing yeast, which also happens to be one of the oldest foods known to humankind (it has been used for over 3,000 years), is able to bio-transform and concentrate all the nutrients in the broth into a dynamic, nutritionally rich food matrix.


Just as the seedling in your garden uses sunlight, water, and soil nutrients to create a nutrient-dense plant, so too this amazing yeast uses all the goodness of its special diet to create vitamins and minerals interwoven with all of the essential co-factors and phytonutrients found in whole food.


Vegetables in your garden have an optimal time in their growth cycle when they are at their peak of nutritional value and are ready to be harvested — the same goes for our organic crop. 


When our micro-plant has absorbed and transformed the ideal amount of each vitamin and mineral, we know it is time to carefully harvest our product. Unlike synthetic vitamin and mineral isolates that are artificially concentrated, every plant has a natural mechanism that intelligently controls its uptake of each nutrient in order to create a perfectly balanced nutritional profile. This natural intelligence ensures an end product that is inherently programmed by nature herself to provide your body with a safe and healthful ratio of nutrients.


When this optimal concentration is reached, we add two naturally occurring fruit enzymes exclusively from green papayas and pineapples in order to gently halt the growing process. By doing so, we are able to capture the newly created food matrix at its peak of ripeness and health-promoting value.



Lastly, to make the nutrient matrix even easier to digest and absorb, we utilize another process of traditional culturing in which organically compatible probiotics are added to the mixture to assist in breaking down some of the nourishing starches, fats and proteins into smaller, even more bioavailable molecules. The result is a balanced, gentle, and easily assimilated bounty of vitamins, minerals, co-factors, and valuable phytonutrients.


Our naturally grown organic vitamins are truly a labor of love; it takes a full six months to grow all of these very special nutrients, but it's worth every minute because we know that we are creating something that will have a real and beneficial impact on your health and the health of the greater community.

Experience the Difference Organic Vitamins and Minerals Make

The process of making our organic vitamins may take months of intensive labor, but it will take your body no time at all to feel the positive effects of our efforts. Our customers from around the world tell us again and again about the health benefits they notice after taking our organic vitamins. No more crossing your fingers and hoping that your daily vitamin and mineral supplements are helping in some way. With our natural supplements, you can feel the difference.


Our organic vitamins are designed to work with your body’s natural ability to support your health and well-being, while creating a discernible change in the way you feel day to day. When your cells aren’t fed all the nutrients they crave, they cry out for more, making you feel uncomfortable and unwell. But when you supply them with the organic vitamins and minerals that they need, your body hums with health and vitality. 


That’s what an authentic, whole-food organic vitamin and mineral should do for you. Don’t settle for anything less — your body knows the difference and deserves the very best.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

6 Years ago