We see a world where everything is connected. We know that what we do has a ripple effect downstream. And it is our belief that a business should be responsible for minimizing these ripples, not creating bigger waves.

From our founding, the commitment to implement sustainable, environmentally sound ways of doing business has been an integral way of thinking here at Pure Synergy. Looking out our windows at the dramatic red rock mesas and snow-capped mountains that make Moab such a special place to live and work is a constant reminder that we need to continually find new ways to protect and respect our ecosystems.

Here are some examples of how we’ve tackled this challenge.

Custom-Built Green Facilities

The construction of our own certified organic, customized facilities here in Moab literally laid the foundation for of sustainability. The decision to build our own facilities allowed us to incorporate low-impact and sustainable technologies into all aspects of our operations. From the selection of xeriscaping (water-conserving landscaping), to low-flow toilets, to energy-efficient equipment, to automatic light sensors, to passive solar orientation, we’ve taken every measure to make our operations lean and green!

Blue Sky Wind Power

It takes a considerable amount of energy to manufacture, store, and distribute our products. We are proud to say that Synergy was the first company in Utah to convert 100% of our electricity usage to wind and solar power, renewable non-polluting sources of energy. At the same time, we also helped organize a citywide initiative here in Moab to promote participation in the “Blue Sky Wind Power.” We succeeded beyond everyone’s expectation in helping to convert 13% of Moab’s energy users to renewable sources, designating Moab as the first Green Power Community in America by the EPA in 2004.

Support For Organic Agriculture

Perhaps one of our most significant environmental contributions has been our decision to relentlessly grow, source, and promote the development of organic, non-GMO ingredients for our products. This has served as the cornerstone of of sustainability since our very first days as a company. By supporting organic farming practices, we not only reduce the depletion of resources but we revive our planet’s nutrient-rich soils. And while The Synergy Company’s commitment to organics may have started out small, today several thousand acres of organic cropland are dedicated to the cultivation of our ingredients.

Environmental Protection and Restoration

Opting to use wind power for our Moab facilities has brought lots of energy-saving benefits, but it only addresses a portion of the overall carbon footprint associated with our full scope of business activities.

One way we offset the impact of these activities is to make a concerted effort to restore and regenerate the natural ecosystems where we work and play. Rim to Rim Restoration (RRR) is a wildlife non-profit we partner with (through financial contributions and company-sponsored volunteer activities) that engages in fire fuel reduction, wild seed harvesting, and invasive species removal from our local area, as well as natural resource protection of areas that are highly impacted by tourism and visitor traffic.

Further, every Earth Month we embody our respect for Mother Earth with environmental clean-ups in the areas that are home to our employees, namely Moab, UT, and Boulder, CO. We do these kinds of clean-ups at least twice per year.

We view environmental protection and restoration as an imperative part of our efforts in offsetting our carbon footprint.  

SuperPure® Processing

“SuperPure® means safe. Safe for our customers, safe for our workers, safe for our environment, and safe for our world.”— Mitchell May, Founder.

From our very founding over 25 years ago, we made it our mission to only use safe, pure, eco-friendly and organic processing and manufacturing in everything we do (no exceptions). Our unique and exclusive SuperPure® process creates products with maximum efficacy, potency, safety, and purity that are healthier for you and healthier for the planet. One of the industry’s darkest and best-kept secrets is that many companies use cheap, potentially toxic, and environmentally damaging chemicals and solvents in their processing. At Synergy, we 100% reject ALL such detrimental practices and instead embrace only the purest, safest methods possible.

Our Eco-Packaging: More Eco Than Ever

In our ongoing commitment to protect both our precious planet and your valuable Synergy cargo, we are always looking for ways to keep making our packaging and shipping solution even better.

We exclusively use 100% recycled and recyclable padded eco-envelopes and packing paper to keep your Synergy cargo snug and safe (which is still bottled in recyclable glass to preserve freshness and potency). This condensed packaging also means we can use even smaller shipping boxes for less environmental impact. All of our shipping and packaging materials are 100% recycled, recyclable, and reusable. We do this because we believe our planet deserves 100%!

We’re always looking for ways to lessen our environmental impact, so we’re in the process of innovating new, eco-friendly bottle packaging that will further reduce the amount of material used to ship our products. Not only that, but our bottles will also soon be plastic-free! We’re eliminating the plastic neckbands that currently envelop the lids of our bottles, while still maintaining quality and potency with individual foil seals for a safe, oxygen-tight barrier on each bottle.

Everyday Choices Add Up

Every day for every task we perform, we ask ourselves if a more eco-friendly way to perform that task exists. Not surprisingly, the answer is very often "Yes!"

Along with the larger steps already noted, here are a few of the smaller, yet still significant, steps we’ve taken to lessen our footprint:

  • We use only 100% biodegradable and organic-compliant cleaning agents
  • We use only vegetable-based inks and water-based coatings for our printed materials
  • We only print on FSC Certified or 100% recycled materials
  • We use only glass bottles, which are easily recyclable, for our products
  • We have an extensive in-house recycling program for all our paper, plastic, glass, and metal products
  • We use only organic cotton in our bottles
  • We never use ingredients that have been genetically modified or are irradiated
  • We never use any chemical processing aids in any of our products
  • We use only zero-VOC paint that meets the USGBC Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards
6 Years ago