Vitamin C supplements are ubiquitous in the wellness world, but they aren’t all as effective as you might think. Some are strictly made from harsh ascorbic acid that bother your belly and aggravate your tooth enamel. Others attempt a more natural approach but stop at a single ingredient that doesn’t work as effectively in isolation.
Pure Radiance C® is one of a kind. It exemplifies the word synergy in all its glory - the interaction or cooperation of two or more substances to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Pure Radiance C is a synergistic combination of some of the most potent natural sources of vitamin C that we could identify, alongside complementary antioxidants and phytonutrients to boost its absorption.
Read on to learn about each of our intentional ingredients – what they do and where they come from.

Acerola Cherry Extract
What It Does
Acerola cherries probably aren’t one of the fruits you eat every day, and that’s because they’re pretty tough to find. Packed with vitamin C, the acerola berry contains powerful plant compounds called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins help fight oxidation – the process of damaging cells that is at the root of almost all disease.
Your skin will love acerola cherry extract benefits too – its potent vitamin C content supports collagen production and healthy skin tone.
Where It Comes From
Our organic acerola cherries are sourced from the Amazon and handpicked at the optimum time - when their color indicates they are at their peak vitamin C content. The berries are then immediately stored at temperatures just above freezing to preserve their nutrient content.
We then use a proprietary process to gently concentrate the acerola berries in a way to protect the fragile, heat- and oxygen-sensitive vitamin C. The result is an incredibly potent product with 20% vitamin C content that retains the whole-fruit matrix of vitamin C and its important cofactors.

Amla Berry
What It Does
Also known as Indian gooseberry, Amla is one of the most valued and regenerative herbs in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It’s called "Mother Nature" in India due to the myriad medicinal properties they possess. Amla berry benefits are largely thanks to its robust antioxidant properties – they are packed with vitamin C, tannins, and polyphenols.
The bright yellow-green berries contain a particularly notable compound called ellagic acid, which is being clinically researched for its regulating effects on healthy cell growth and inflammatory response.
Where It Comes From
The amla berry in our Pure Radiance C is organically grown in the Himalayan valleys. We produce a concentrated, certified organic amla berry powder under low temperatures and pristine conditions. The result is a nutrient-dense superfruit with incredible benefits.

Black Pepper Berry Extract
What It Does
You might not expect it from the spice that sits on your restaurant table, but black pepper is actually a source of micronutrients, including vitamin C. Its key role in our Pure Radiance C is to improve the uptake of vitamin C in our bodies, helping it make its way into all our cells.
How They’re Prepared
Our SuperPure® black pepper berry extract is certified organic, and, as with all our extracts, it is created thoughtfully without any harsh chemicals or solvents so commonly used by other companies.

Buckwheat Berry Sprouts
What It Does
A tricky name for a powerful superfood! While it has wheat in the name, buckwheat isn’t a grain at all, and it doesn’t contain any wheat or gluten. Buckwheat is actually an ancient fruit seed. Buckwheat berry sprouts are an abundant source of naturally occurring rutin and quercetin, two very important vitamin C cofactors (or “helper nutrients”).
These phytonutrients can support healthy capillary integrity, skin health, and much more.
How They’re Prepared
Our buckwheat berry sprouts begin as certified organic seeds that are gently activated by sprouting in a proprietary broth, rich in catalytic minerals and other essential nutrients. Sprouting takes a seed that is dormant and sparks it to life with an array of live enzymes and nutrients.
After the seeds sprout, they are harvested, flash frozen, and immediately placed in a vacuum and freeze-dried for optimum nutrient preservation.

Camu Camu Extract
What It Does
The camu camu berry is one of the world's richest sources of natural vitamin C. But since most of us can’t pick up camu camu berries at our local grocery (and maybe we wouldn’t want to – they’re pretty tart!), we’ve included their incredible extract in our Pure Radiance C formula.
And camu camu benefits extend beyond just vitamin C, they are also packed with flavonoids that fight off free radicals that cause oxidative stress on your body. In other words, they help your body function more efficiently while protecting it against everyday toxins and stressors.
Where It Comes From
Our camu camu berries are sustainably grown in the Amazon rainforest thanks to a program initiated by our founder, Mitchell May, in the 1990s.
Read more about how Pure Synergy developed a comprehensive program to obtain its camu camu berries in a manner that sustained the health of the ecosystem, supported local communities, and created a model for sustainable economic activity in this fascinating blog post.

What It Does
Many of us just eat cranberries once or twice a year at the holidays, but the powerful plant nutrients they contain deserve a much more prevalent place in your diet (and not in the sugar-laden cranberry juices lining the store shelves)! Cranberries are full of antioxidants, including vitamin C, which earns them a spot in our Pure Radiance C formula.
How They’re Prepared
Our pure, certified organic cranberries are fresh freeze-dried and concentrated to amplify their full spectrum of healthy goodness – with no sugar added!

Lemon Peel
What It Does
We often think of the tart juice when we think of lemons, but the often-tossed peel is packed with goodies. In addition to vitamin C content, other vitamins in lemon peel include calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Lemon peels also contain an impressive array of other healthful compounds like D-limonene, which has been studied for its ability to helps reduce oxidative stress.
Where It Comes From
Our certified organic lemon peel is grown right here in the USA in an ideal sunny climate where lemon trees can flourish.

Manioc Root
What It Does
Manioc root is also known as cassava or yucca. It is often used in grain-free cooking, but we use it as a natural carrier for our acerola cherry and camu camu juices. While the root does contain some vitamin C, the real manioc root benefits in Pure Radiance C are thanks to its ability to balance the sticky nature of our highly concentrated fruit juices.
Most other products on the market use GMO corn derived maltodextrins for this purpose.
Where It Comes From
Manioc root is native to Brazil and today grows in tropical regions of the Americas. Our manioc root is transformed via fermentation and sprouting to convert it into a safe, natural, non-GMO functional and nutritive ingredient.

Red Raspberry
What It Does
Short in season but packed with flavor, raspberries are a special summer treat for many of us. They’re also a pretty special source of important antioxidants including ellagic acid as well as fiber and vitamin C. The long list of goodies in raspberries is extraordinary and puts it at the top of the pack of the best superfruits.
How They’re Prepared
Our certified organic red raspberries are sourced from carefully vetted farmers and are fresh freeze-dried and concentrated to preserve their nutrition and amplify their full spectrum of healthy goodness.

Rose Hips
What It Does
Rose hips are the fruit of the rosebush. They are an even better source of vitamin C than an orange, making them a great addition to our Pure Radiance C formula. As a bonus to boost your wellness, they are also naturally dense in a variety of carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, catechins, and many more nutrients.
Where It Comes From
Our certified organic rose hips are cultivated in South America and transformed into a rich, free-flowing powder through our specialty steam-drying and chemical-free sterilization process.

Sour Cherry
What It Does
They’re a little sweet and a little tart! Like many of their superfruit cohorts, sour cherry is teeming with vitamin C and powerful polyphenols that are notorious for fighting free radical oxidation – the instigator at the root of so much chronic disease.
Where It Comes From
Our cherries are carefully sourced from reputable farms and always certified organic, so they are free of the chemical pesticides and herbicides that plague many berry varieties. We also freeze-dry our cherries so that all of their goodness is captured in the best way possible.

Wild Blueberry
What It Does
The wild blueberry is much more nutritionally concentrated than the store-bought and more familiar cultivated blueberry. Our wild, indigo blue morsels are picked at their peak of ripeness and contain plentiful proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins (the blue pigments responsible for many of their health-promoting properties).
Where It Comes From
Our blueberries are always certified organic, so they are free of the chemical pesticides and herbicides that plague many berry varieties. Since nutrition typically starts to degrade as soon as berries are picked from the plant, we quickly freeze-dry our wild blueberries so that as much of their nutrition content is preserved as possible.
A Synergy of C
Our carefully formulated and thoughtfully sourced ingredients make Pure Radiance C uniquely potent. We sought out the most sustainable and cleanest sources of each ingredient to develop a vitamin C supplement that manages to be both powerful and gentle. You can take it safely and comfortably every day for whole body protection against all of life’s inevitable challenges!