Lactase enzyme is specific for digesting lactose, the common sugar found in dairy products. Lactose is a disaccharide (two sugars) that requires further digestion to be absorbed properly. However, many of us (an estimated 10-20% of US population) are lacking in the natural production of lactase enzyme, either for genetic reasons or due to digestive difficulties. This leads to lactose intolerance, which can cause uncomfortable digestive symptoms. Taking a lactase enzyme can offer tremendous benefit for digesting dairy products and lactose-rich foods.

Natural digestive enzymes are remarkably beneficial biological catalysts. They help us properly digest all the food we eat to liberate the nutrients needed for our optimal health and well-being. Different enzymes are needed to help us digest each of the diverse types of food compounds. Think of it as locks and keys—you need the right keys (enzymes) to fit into the dozens of different locks (food compounds that we eat every day) to open the doors for optimal, healthy digestion.

Our special lactase digestive enzyme is naturally grown and fermented with a high potency of 1,000 ALU per capsule. All of our digestive enzymes are non-GMO, kosher, and highly purified. They are also free from preservatives and chemicals, and 100% vegetarian.

2 Years ago